Australian citizens responsibilities

As Australians are always careful to point out… Fundamentally, all citizens are required to obey the law – and this means the state, federal and local laws – These laws are made by the Australian Parliament, state, territory and local governments.

Australians are required to vote in federal and state elections and in referendums when the government calls one. To ensure that everyone is represented, voting is compulsory for Australian citizens aged 18 years or over.

Australian citizens should be prepared to defend our country should the need arise.

While service in the Australian Defence Forces is voluntary, should the need arise, it is vital that all citizens be committed to supporting or joining our defence forces to defend the nation and its way of life.

Australian citizens may be required to serve on a jury if called to do so. A jury is a group of citizens who listen to the evidence in a court case and decide if a person is innocent or guilty.

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